Dog Treat Holder for your wall

18 x 7 Dog treat holder with small box for treats and 3 pegs for leashes and collars

Introducing the Perfect Dog Treat Holder with Pegs for Leashes and Collars

September 9, 2023
If you're a dog owner like me, you know the importance of having everything in its place when it comes to your furry friend. Walking accessories such as leashes and collars are essential for our canine companions, and finding a convenient and organized way to store them is a constant challenge. Well, fret no more! We are thrilled to introduce the Dog Treat Holder with Pegs for Leashes and Collars, the ultimate solution for all your dog-walking needs.

Keep Your Dog's Essentials Tidy
Imagine never misplacing your dog's collar or struggling to locate the right leash before heading out for a walk. Our dog treat holder combines functionality and style, providing a dedicated space for your pup's essentials. This innovative wall-mounted holder not only keeps all your dog's gear neatly organized but also adds a touch of elegance to your home decor.

Pegs for Leashes and Collars
Stroll, jog, or hike – whatever your preferred exercise routine with your four-legged friend, this dog treat holder has got you covered. Equipped with 3 sturdy pegs, you can effortlessly hang your dog's leashes, collars, and even harnesses. No more searching through drawers or untangling tangled web of accessories; simply grab and go!

Treat Compartment for Rewarding Good Behavior
Training your dog is crucial, and having ready access to treats is key to reinforcing good behavior. Our dog treat holder features a thoughtfully designed compartment where you can easily store your furry friend's favorite treats. Whether you're practicing commands or rewarding your dog for excellent behavior, you'll always have treats at your fingertips.

Order Your Dog Treat Holder Today!
Say goodbye to cluttered pet areas and welcome a tidier, more organized space with our Dog Treat Holder with Pegs for Leashes and Collars. Enhance your dog's walking routine while adding a touch of elegance to your home. Visit our website or your local pet store today to place your order. Trust us, both you and your furry friend will be wagging your tails with joy!

Stefan W.

Stefan Weihermueller has loved wood-working from a very young age, but it wasn't until he worked for many years in the manufacturing field and gained experience in programming that the idea for his business Custom Wood Design was born.

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