William Tell Theater Spiel in Strössendorf / William Tell Theater Play in Strössendorf

Das Theater stück fand in Jahre 1955 im Schlossgarten in  Strössendorf statt
---The theater play took place in the year 1955 in the castle garden in Strössendorf.

Schloss Garten in Strössendorf


- Urheberrecht / copyright: Stefan Weihermüller
Stefan W.

Stefan Weihermueller has loved wood-working from a very young age, but it wasn't until he worked for many years in the manufacturing field and gained experience in programming that the idea for his business Custom Wood Design was born.


Klassenbilder 1954 // Class Pictures 1954


Für die am 7. Juli zu Münchberg abzuhaltende Delegiertenversammlungder oberfränkischen Obstbaumvereine pro 1906 (B4)